
organise module

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import click
import re
from tqdm import tqdm

if sys.version_info[0] < 3 and sys.version_info[1] < 6:
    raise Exception("You must be using Python 3.6 or greater")

class Sort(object):
    """ This is a simple tool which helps to organise your cluttered directory
    into meaningful subdirectories.


        We are going to move the files into directories of their respective kinds, and if there are no files of that kind, a directory will not be

            $ organise -o
            $ organise --organise

    Check out `organise --help` for complete list of options

        * Create configuration files, for easier handeling of settings
        * Handle console messages gracefully
        * Make it OS agnostic

    DOC = "Document"
    VIDEO = "Video"
    IMG = "Image"
    OTHERS = "Others"
    APP = "Application"

    # Keep `OTHERS` at the end
    files_type_list = [DOC, VIDEO, APP, IMG, OTHERS]

    file_type_dict = {
        'doc': DOC,
        'docx': DOC,
        'ppt': DOC,
        'pptx': DOC,
        'pdf': DOC,
        'txt': DOC,
        '3gp': VIDEO,
        'mp4': VIDEO,
        'jpeg': IMG,
        'png': IMG,
        'gif': IMG,
        'jpg': IMG,
        "deb": APP,
        "py": APP

    def __init__(self, path):
        super(Sort, self).__init__()
        self.path = path

    def rename(self):
            Function used to rename the directories to user defined names
        for type, i in zip(self.files_type_list, range(len(self.files_type_list))):
            t = input("What do you want {} to be called? [{}]: ".format(type, type))
            if t:
                self.files_type_list[i] = t

    def get_supported_formats(self):
            Used to dispaly all the supported formats, ie which will be sorted into respective directories
        click.echo("Supported formats:")
        i = 0
        for key, value in self.file_type_dict.items():
            i += 1
            click.echo("\t{}) {} --> {}".format(i, key, value))
        click.echo("\tMore coming soon")
        click.echo('Other file formats will be stored under Others')

    def get_absolute_path(self, filename):
        """Creates the complete path name and returns for the file


            filename (str): Expects the name of the file


            str: The absolute path of the file

        return self.path + "/" + filename

    def create_directory(self, key=None, directory=None):
        """Creates a directory, if it does not exist.


            key (str): [optional] This is the name of the file
            directory (str): [optional] This is the complete path of the file

        **Note**: One of the, Args are to be passed.

        if not directory:
            directory = self.path+"/"+key
        if not os.path.exists(directory):   
            os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
            self.skipped += 1

    def create_all_directory(self):
        """Creates all the types of directories."""
        self.skipped = 0
        for key in self.files_type_list:
        click.echo("Skipped {}".format(self.skipped))

    def get_files(self):
        """Function used to generate a list of all the files in the current directory"""
        return next(os.walk(self.path))[2]

    def sort(self, verbose=False):
        """Main function which is used to organise the files into different directories.

            verbose (bool): [optional] If `True`, displays all the steps to the user
        files = self.get_files()
        for name in tqdm(files, disable=verbose):
            src = self.get_absolute_path(name)
            type = name.split('.')[-1]
            if type in self.file_type_dict.keys():
                dest = self.get_absolute_path(self.file_type_dict[type])
                dest = self.get_absolute_path(self.files_type_list[-1])
            if not os.path.exists(dest):
            if verbose:
                click.echo("Moving {} to {}".format(name, dest))
            os.system("mv" + " " + re.escape(src) + " " + dest)

    def run(self, verbose):

    "--path", "-p",
    help='path of directory you want to sort, DEFAULT: `.`'
    "--create-dir", "-d",
    help='if you only want to create directories'
    "--organise", "-o",
    help='do not create empty directory, ie. create directory only when relevent file exists.'
    "--verbose", "-v",
    help='lets you know about each step'
    "--rename", "-r",
    help='to rename the subdirectories, your way'
    "--formats", "-f",
    help='display all the supported formats'
def cli(path, create_dir, organise, verbose, rename, formats):
        A little tool that helps you organise your directory into meaningful 

    def get_path(path):
        if path:
            return path
        return "."

    path = get_path(path)
    sort = Sort(path)

    if rename:

    if create_dir:
    elif organise:
    elif formats:

if __name__ == "__main__":


class Sort

This is a simple tool which helps to organise your cluttered directory into meaningful subdirectories.


We are going to move the files into directories of their respective kinds, and if there are no files of that kind, a directory will not be

    $ organise -o
    $ organise --organise

Check out organise --help for complete list of options


* Create configuration files, for easier handeling of settings
* Handle console messages gracefully
* Make it OS agnostic
class Sort(object):
    """ This is a simple tool which helps to organise your cluttered directory
    into meaningful subdirectories.


        We are going to move the files into directories of their respective kinds, and if there are no files of that kind, a directory will not be

            $ organise -o
            $ organise --organise

    Check out `organise --help` for complete list of options

        * Create configuration files, for easier handeling of settings
        * Handle console messages gracefully
        * Make it OS agnostic

    DOC = "Document"
    VIDEO = "Video"
    IMG = "Image"
    OTHERS = "Others"
    APP = "Application"

    # Keep `OTHERS` at the end
    files_type_list = [DOC, VIDEO, APP, IMG, OTHERS]

    file_type_dict = {
        'doc': DOC,
        'docx': DOC,
        'ppt': DOC,
        'pptx': DOC,
        'pdf': DOC,
        'txt': DOC,
        '3gp': VIDEO,
        'mp4': VIDEO,
        'jpeg': IMG,
        'png': IMG,
        'gif': IMG,
        'jpg': IMG,
        "deb": APP,
        "py": APP

    def __init__(self, path):
        super(Sort, self).__init__()
        self.path = path

    def rename(self):
            Function used to rename the directories to user defined names
        for type, i in zip(self.files_type_list, range(len(self.files_type_list))):
            t = input("What do you want {} to be called? [{}]: ".format(type, type))
            if t:
                self.files_type_list[i] = t

    def get_supported_formats(self):
            Used to dispaly all the supported formats, ie which will be sorted into respective directories
        click.echo("Supported formats:")
        i = 0
        for key, value in self.file_type_dict.items():
            i += 1
            click.echo("\t{}) {} --> {}".format(i, key, value))
        click.echo("\tMore coming soon")
        click.echo('Other file formats will be stored under Others')

    def get_absolute_path(self, filename):
        """Creates the complete path name and returns for the file


            filename (str): Expects the name of the file


            str: The absolute path of the file

        return self.path + "/" + filename

    def create_directory(self, key=None, directory=None):
        """Creates a directory, if it does not exist.


            key (str): [optional] This is the name of the file
            directory (str): [optional] This is the complete path of the file

        **Note**: One of the, Args are to be passed.

        if not directory:
            directory = self.path+"/"+key
        if not os.path.exists(directory):   
            os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
            self.skipped += 1

    def create_all_directory(self):
        """Creates all the types of directories."""
        self.skipped = 0
        for key in self.files_type_list:
        click.echo("Skipped {}".format(self.skipped))

    def get_files(self):
        """Function used to generate a list of all the files in the current directory"""
        return next(os.walk(self.path))[2]

    def sort(self, verbose=False):
        """Main function which is used to organise the files into different directories.

            verbose (bool): [optional] If `True`, displays all the steps to the user
        files = self.get_files()
        for name in tqdm(files, disable=verbose):
            src = self.get_absolute_path(name)
            type = name.split('.')[-1]
            if type in self.file_type_dict.keys():
                dest = self.get_absolute_path(self.file_type_dict[type])
                dest = self.get_absolute_path(self.files_type_list[-1])
            if not os.path.exists(dest):
            if verbose:
                click.echo("Moving {} to {}".format(name, dest))
            os.system("mv" + " " + re.escape(src) + " " + dest)

    def run(self, verbose):

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • Sort
  • builtins.object

Class variables

var APP

var DOC

var IMG



var file_type_dict

var files_type_list

Static methods

def __init__(

self, path)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, path):
    super(Sort, self).__init__()
    self.path = path

def create_all_directory(


Creates all the types of directories.

def create_all_directory(self):
    """Creates all the types of directories."""
    self.skipped = 0
    for key in self.files_type_list:
    click.echo("Skipped {}".format(self.skipped))

def create_directory(

self, key=None, directory=None)

Creates a directory, if it does not exist.


key (str): [optional] This is the name of the file
directory (str): [optional] This is the complete path of the file

Note: One of the, Args are to be passed.

def create_directory(self, key=None, directory=None):
    """Creates a directory, if it does not exist.
        key (str): [optional] This is the name of the file
        directory (str): [optional] This is the complete path of the file
    **Note**: One of the, Args are to be passed.
    if not directory:
        directory = self.path+"/"+key
    if not os.path.exists(directory):   
        os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
        self.skipped += 1

def get_absolute_path(

self, filename)

Creates the complete path name and returns for the file


filename (str): Expects the name of the file


str: The absolute path of the file
def get_absolute_path(self, filename):
    """Creates the complete path name and returns for the file
        filename (str): Expects the name of the file
        str: The absolute path of the file
    return self.path + "/" + filename

def get_files(


Function used to generate a list of all the files in the current directory

def get_files(self):
    """Function used to generate a list of all the files in the current directory"""
    return next(os.walk(self.path))[2]

def get_supported_formats(


Used to dispaly all the supported formats, ie which will be sorted into respective directories

def get_supported_formats(self):
        Used to dispaly all the supported formats, ie which will be sorted into respective directories
    click.echo("Supported formats:")
    i = 0
    for key, value in self.file_type_dict.items():
        i += 1
        click.echo("\t{}) {} --> {}".format(i, key, value))
    click.echo("\tMore coming soon")
    click.echo('Other file formats will be stored under Others')

def rename(


Function used to rename the directories to user defined names

def rename(self):
        Function used to rename the directories to user defined names
    for type, i in zip(self.files_type_list, range(len(self.files_type_list))):
        t = input("What do you want {} to be called? [{}]: ".format(type, type))
        if t:
            self.files_type_list[i] = t

def run(

self, verbose)

def run(self, verbose):

def sort(

self, verbose=False)

Main function which is used to organise the files into different directories. Args:

verbose (bool): [optional] If `True`, displays all the steps to the user
def sort(self, verbose=False):
    """Main function which is used to organise the files into different directories.
        verbose (bool): [optional] If `True`, displays all the steps to the user
    files = self.get_files()
    for name in tqdm(files, disable=verbose):
        src = self.get_absolute_path(name)
        type = name.split('.')[-1]
        if type in self.file_type_dict.keys():
            dest = self.get_absolute_path(self.file_type_dict[type])
            dest = self.get_absolute_path(self.files_type_list[-1])
        if not os.path.exists(dest):
        if verbose:
            click.echo("Moving {} to {}".format(name, dest))
        os.system("mv" + " " + re.escape(src) + " " + dest)

Instance variables

var path